for every girl child

for every girl child

Our Impact

Our team drives the organization’s aspirations towards the achievement of menstrual hygiene education. We have worked to ensure constant teaching of menstrual health beyond knowledge dissemination and more towards each girl’s personal needs and challenges to ensure that they are supported through provision of mentorship and training. 

Our team is challenging structures in place to ensure better ways for girl’s to study effectively through education, peer to peer support, constructive dialogue and advocacy. We are reducing menstrual related school absenteeism  that contributes to girls’ failure in school and poor performance in both national exams and general school exams.

We conducted a survey that indicated that 33 % ( 22/66) girls in Kisoko high school in 2018 lacked access to sanitary towels because of lack of money to purchase the sanitary towels on the market. The other outstanding reasons also included uncaring parents as 28.79 % ( 19) of the girls indicated. Some of the girls shared that they are shy to tell their parents when they are in their periods which was 21.21 % ( 14/66), and 6.06 %( 4/66) their parents could not afford.

Many communities in Africa and globally, especially rural communities are characterized by poverty and lack of resources which makes it hard for some families to prioritize sanitary towels for their children if they are not even sure if they will have a meal a day.  Our societies shy away from certain conversations and many continue to brand certain issues a taboo.  Many girls grow up fearing  parents and cannot freely share with them their reproductive health issues. This is also further reflected in our findings since many indicated having not been able to talk to their parents about periods. 


GAUP breaks the barrier of Girl child school absenteeism that is brought about by lack of sanitary towels. Our aim is to minimize school absenteeism through provision of hygienic sanitary towels, training girls and women in Menstrual hygiene management and mentoring girls in school to value education. 

We hope to see changes in school attendance, performance and more girls  being more confident and able to compete favorably with their male counterparts. As girls partake on our services, they become our community ambassadors that spread change in the different communities across Uganda. 

Girls Impacted
Women Skilled
Children Reached
Youth Impacted
Schools we have been to
Communities impacted
Number of Volunteers
Social Media Reach

Meet our beneficiaries

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Take action and empower girls to compete favorably with boys. Every contribution is welcome as low as 1$ you will be supporting a girl child and making a big difference!